Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lowell Milken Unsung Hero Art Project

Unsung Hero: One who has created positive change in history by improving the lives of others and has yet to be recognized. The individual’s impact must have stood the test of time.

Iqbal Masih was about the age of 5 when he started working in the carpet factory. He worked from morning until evening and was treated bad. When his mother needs money she took out a loan from a carpet factory owner and the loan was in Iqbal's name. He owes Ghullah the money that his mother was loaned. Now Iqbal was a slave and the factory owner was in charge of his life. Years later Iqbal was liberated from debt slavery. He started attending the bonded labour liberation front school. Iqbal talked to his friends who worked at carpet factories and spoke at meetings. He gave many carpet worker children the courage to leave their owners.

Iqbal was shot in Muridke, Pakistan on 16 April 1995, shortly after returning from a trip to the U.S. He was 12 years old at the time. Some say who? that he was shot by a farmer, some say that he was murdered because of his influence over bonded labour. Citation needed his funeral was attended by approximately 800 mourners. The Little Hero: One Boy's Fight for Freedom tells the story of his legacy.
 Iqbal Masih is a hero because he took action on behalf of child slaves and bonded laborers around the world. Despite his short life, his message encouraged thousands to seek freedom and inspired many more around the world to join in his efforts. There are still an estimated 75,000 slaves in Pakistan Today. One organization, Free the Children was started by a Canadian youth named Craig Kielburger who had heard about Iqbal’s story and wanted to help make a difference.


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